Day two back to work and I'm exhausted already. I'm remembering how tired, burnt out, and discouraged I'd been at work before the Shoulder Thing and the Going Public Thing and the Neck Thing and the Acquisition. I realized that there's probably no future for me at this company because of a couple of people who've been quietly undermining me since I got there - and, hilariously, they picked today to show themselves. (But hey, at least I get a reasonable payout if I exercise my remaining options and GTFO?)
It's sort of a grim parallel with what's going on in politics now too. Biden is in, and has been working his ass off to start undoing the damage of the previous four years. And of course, the opposition is doing all the same dirty awful shit as they always have. We're right back to the stonewalling that they gave Obama, except now the economy is a farce and we're in the middle of a recession and a public health disaster while they're very suddenly concerned about the deficit. For fuck's sake. The Democratic Party needs to take no fucking prisoners.
The good news from today is that I'm feeling better, and better, and starting to really see the end of the tunnel with surgical recovery. Today, for the first time, the scar looked shorter, and less puffy. I can see the edges of the incision and see them starting to diminish. And I feel like my range of motion is starting to get better, bit by bit, even though the rest of me hurts like hell. I'm hoping to get back to yoga next week, even if it's modified.
And we're keeping up with the steady flow of houses on our radar, though none have been worth a look just yet, alas. And I apparently have good taste in condos, because the ones I favorite seem to flip to pending within 24 hours of my interest, siiiiiigh.
So, back to work.
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